The study of 'Cho-sun-se-bub'
Rhee, Jong-Rim
This study was to examine the basis of 'Cho-sun-se-bub', which was one of the oldest martial arts with 'Bon-kuk-kum-bub' in history. 'Cho-sun-se-bub' was widely disclosed in the beginning of 17th century through 'Mu-bee-ji.' which was a book of compiled tactics of China, and was considered to influence in Japan as well as in China.
First of all, the study outlined the culture of Korean sword, and compared books of tactics of both Korea and China and 'Mu-bee-Ji'. And then, the relation to and historical background of 'Cho-sun-se-bub' was investigated through looking martial-arts before 'Cho-sun-se-bub' such as swordmanship or 'Keok-bong,' etc., and practical technique of 'Cho-sun-se-bub' was revived according to the principle.
The result of the study indicated that 'Cho-sun-se-bub' influenced to swordmanship of oriental three countries, and became a basis of international exchange, which was very rare at that time. It is an epoch-making fact in the history of martial-arts.
In addition, based on the practical technique of 'Cho-sun-se-bub.' Korean Kumdo can obtain a prestigious status in the world of international Kumdo. Also 'Cho-sun-se-bub' will be a significant basis in the history of Korean Kumdo.
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