한국의 국기인 태권도는1500년전의 한국 민간무술에서 기원했는데 한국의 화랑 도,중국의 무술,일본의 공수도를 융합하여 만들어졌다. 제2차 세계대전 후 점차 세계 여러나라들에서 펼쳐졌으며 1973년 한국정부는 세계태권도연합회(WTF)를 태권도 운동의 합법적관리기구로 승인하고 그 해에 세계태권도선수권대회를 열었다. 시합은 3회제를 실시하는데 매회마다 3분이고, 중간휴식이 1분이다. 태권도는 신체접촉이 격렬한 경기종목으로서 선수는 필요한 보호기구를 쓰고 경기에 참가한다.
1988년 서울올림픽때 태권도는 표현종목으로 등장했으며 1992년에 올림픽경기 종목으로 되였다. |
베이징 올림픽 공식 홈페이지 태권도 설명
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History (photos attached) |
Updated:2006-04-25 |
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Discipline's origin
Taekwondo is a traditional Korean martial art, which means "the way of kicking and striking." In taekwondo, the hands and feet are used to overcome an opponent, but the trademark of the sport is its combination of kick movements. Its origins are not well known but three possibilities are often described. one traces taekwondo to Korea's three-kingdom era (ca. 50 BC) when Silla Dynasty warriors, the Hwarang, began to develop a martial art, tae kyon ("foot-hand"). Others feel that taekwondo began as a form of Chinese boxing, which was established at the Shaolin Temple in 520 BC by Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism. A third possibility is that taekwondo developed from Japanese or Okinawan karate. It is now felt that taekwondo probably developed from other Asian martial arts combined with traditional Korean techniques of kickboxing.
Various Korean forms of martial arts have existed but in the early 20th century, taekwondo became the dominant form. In 1955, a group of Korean martial arts leaders chose taekwondo as the definitive Korean martial art in an attempt to promote its development internationally. In 1973, the Korean government recognised the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) as the legitimate governing body of the sport, and the first World Championships were held in that year.
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Olympic history
Taekwondo was featured on the programme of the 1988 and 1992 Olympics as a demonstration sport. At the 103rd IOC Session, held in Paris in 1994, taekwondo became an official medal sport beginning with the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. During those Games, 103 athletes - 55 men and 48 women - from 51 countries took part in the taekwondo competition.
Credit: IOC
For further info., please visit
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